3 thoughts on “SingaSpeaks – Roar 17

  1. Aum Namo Narayanaya Maharaj
    What a fitting tribute to Sister Nivedita!
    Gentle melodies to complement her unselfish spirit.
    Rohith Jeebodh
    Pietermaritzburg, South Africa


    1. ||Aum Sri Ramakrishna sharanam||
      Dear Rohit
      Thanks for your visit and words of appreciation!
      Yes, the melodies of our musical homage are still haunting us. Swami Sarvaganandaji presented so charmingly that we were all enthralled.
      Have you shifted to PMB from Estcourt?
      May Master bless you!
      Swami Vimokshananda


  2. Aum Namo Narayanaya Maharaj
    Thank you for the appreciated response.
    I have been living in Pietermaritzburg for the past 3 years now and yes I do attend satsang if I am in Pietermaritzburg on those days, as I do occasionally visit Estcourt. I also had the wonderful privilege of staying at the Ashram earlier on this year and engaging with revered Swami Sumanasananda and respected Brahmacharis Akhilachaitanya and K.
    I look for my next stayover in summer as we are currently in autumn, which is still considered to be cold here!
    May Master keep Swamiji in robust health.
    Respectful prostrations
    Rohith Jeebodh


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