2 thoughts on “Sri Ramakrishna’s Comforting Assurance3

  1. Joi Thakur!
    What a fantastic assurance!
    Khoka Maharaj has given all bhaktas a true meaning of Thakur‘s great assurance.
    An unequivocal assurance from Thakur through His beloved Khoka!
    Thanks Swamiji for your beautiful recall.
    Devasis Chowdhury
    AP, India


    1. ||Aum Sri Ramakrishna sharanam||
      Dear Devasis
      Indeed Kusum’s experience and the narration of that by Swami Subodhananda Ji Maharaj are like GPS for us, ordinary devotees. We may not have that much shraddha in Guru’s grace but one day we all can reach that exalted stage by performing sadhana as per Sri Guru’s instructions. This article confirms that a disciple need not have any fear of after-death situation.
      May Sri Ramakrishna bestow His grace!
      Swami Vimokshananda


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